At Cpl, our recruitment consultants help job seekers find the job of their dreams. Job hunting can be a difficult path to navigate, with all stages in the recruitment process requiring dedication and preparation. We've created a series of articles that will guide job seekers through each step of their job hunt.
Key Articles from our Candidate Series

6 benefits of recruitment agencies
There are a lot of opportunities out there for the right job seeker. The job market is so vast that it can be hard for those looking to find the right role for them. Speaking with someone experienced in recruitment, who is aware of what is available in the current employment market and is a specialist in their industry can help job seekers find the perfect role. This is when working with a recruitment agency can help. In this blog, we explore how recruitment consultants help job seekers, find the right role and more importantly, how they can secure it.
The most in-demand jobs | Ireland
Employment is due to grow by an average of 6.9% by 2024. The term ‘candidate- first market’ is being used in media headlines across the country, but what does this really mean? And what opportunities are out there for job seekers? We looked at some of the most in-demand roles and the pay and benefits packages associated. If you’re reconsidering your career or looking to get an overview of the opportunities out there, this blog is for you.
How to Attract Recruiters on LinkedIn
LinkedIn is now the go-to place to make professional connections and ultimately find new job opportunities. Having a strong up-to-date profile on LinkedIn will massively benefit anyone looking for a new role as recruiters use it daily to find potential candidates. Even companies with extensive candidate databases use LinkedIn to find candidates. With over two million LinkedIn users in Ireland alone, the competition is tough. So how can you ensure an all-star profile and attract recruiters and employers to your profile?
4 differences between a job description and a job specification
If you're actively looking for a new job, it's likely that most, if not all job ads will contain both a job description and specification. Job descriptions and job specifications are two similar tools, which are often used together, but they both have their own purpose. What are the differences between job descriptions and specifications, and is one more important? We look at everything a job seeker needs to know before applying for a new position.
Top 5 reasons to live and work in Ireland
Ireland has the fastest growing economy in the European Union (EU) and is becoming one of the top countries for multi-lingual job seekers. Since Brexit, Ireland is now the only English-speaking country in the European Union, which makes it an easy relocation choice for people who want to work in an English-speaking environment.
With the number of multinationals deciding to make Ireland their EU home growing year on year, we’ve put together a list of 5 reasons to live and work in Ireland.
A Graduate guide to the workplace
Have you recently graduated from university and are looking for some advice on kickstarting your career? We've put together 6 valuable career tips for graduates to help you transform your future today!
Our Essential CV Guides
Job Hunting Toolkit | Cpl
Job hunting is by no means an easy task. We've put our in-depth guides together all in one place for easy access to aid your recruitment journey.
How to update your CV
With the booming Irish job market, the Cpl recruitment consultant teams have seen an increase in job seekers looking to take advantage of the many opportunities available. Their first bit of advice for candidates is to update their Curriculum Vitae (CV) and LinkedIn page before starting the job hunt.
When looking for candidates to put forward to a client, recruiters on average spend 6-7 seconds scanning a CV to decide if the applicant is suitable. With so little time to catch their eye, your CV has got to impress instantly. We’ve put together everything a jobseeker needs to know to make their CV stand out above the rest including structure, presentation, and work history.

What should I write in a CV bio?
A CV bio is a short paragraph that highlights a job seeker's expertise, strengths, and skill sets. Consider it like an engagement piece at the start of a book that hiring managers can use to determine whether they think the applicant is qualified for the position.
Read our tips on creating the perfect CV bio.
How to write your Tech CV
Our Cpl Technology team are specialists in their fields. We've worked alongside them to create essential CV tips for those looking to impress in the Technology industry.
Our Essential Interview Guides
How to succeed in your next interview
All Interviews can be difficult, 40 mins to an hour is an extremely short amount of time to communicate a wide range of skills and experience related to getting that dream job.
No matter the format of a job interview, we’ve put together some top tips to help a candidate ace their interview and be on track to the next phase in their career.
Impress in a job interview | 5 essential tips
As mentioned before, job interviews can be a high-stress environment and preparation is key. In times like these, an expert's advice can be crucial to success.
Lisa Broderick, Director at Cpl Cork, gives insights and tips into how you can impress in your next job interview.
Competency based interviews
Competency based interviews are used to show how a candidate would use certain skills in the workplace. A competency is something quantifiable and measurable. Interview questions are carefully designed to probe specific skills, competencies, and characteristics which are relevant to the position. In this blog, we delve deep into competency-based interviews and how a candidate should prepare for one.
Interview questions: What do you do in your spare time?
An interviewer typically asks the question 'what do you do in your spare time?' to get to know more about the candidate behind the CV. Interviews are a candidate's chance to shine and show the hiring managers how much of an asset they could be to their team. We look at some sample replies and suggestions to add to your response to see how you can help ensure your answers give the interviewer the right impression.
How To Answer, 'Tell me About Yourself' in an Interview
"Tell me about yourself" is one of the mostcommon interview questions. This question is intentionally open-ended and broad, and designed to give you the freedom to share your role-related background and qualifications. While it can feel overwhelming to summarize your background and qualifications succinctly, the key is being prepared. We’ve put together four tips, to help you prepare an impressive answer to the "Tell me about yourself" question in your next job interview.
Tough job interview questions and answers
With 48% of recruiters saying that improving the quality of hire is their top priority, it's now more important than ever to fully prepare for an interview. A candidate can have put in time and research but during the interview, be caught off guard by a tough question that they haven't planned for. We've put together 6 of the toughest job interview questions and given some sample responses to help you ace your next job interview.
How to prepare for a pre-recorded video interview
Pre-recorded interviews are typically used as a pre-screening method before candidates are invited to an in-person job interview, in order to rapidly and effectively review a large number of job applicants. If you haven't been asked to do a pre-recorded interview yet, you definitely could be in the future, as pre-recorded video interviews are growing in popularity!
Ace your pre-recorded interview with our expert advice.
How to write a follow-up email
In spite of the fact that sending a follow-up email after an interview is highly recommended, an astonishing 57% of candidates fail to do so. Following up 24-48 hours after an interview can help a candidate in numerous ways, including reminding the interviewer of your interview performance and reinforcing your interest in the job, regardless of where you are in the process.
View our tips to create the perfect follow-up email.
Career Progression
Handing in your notice: 8 steps on quitting your job
Job hunting can be an exciting journey, you’ve secured a new job. Mission accomplished. But when it comes to making the leap, it’s normal to feel stressed at the thought of handing in your notice to your manager. Before you hand in your notice there are a few other things that need to be considered such as legalities – annual leave and notice period, writing your letter of resignation, and planning your handover process. Ensure a smooth transition to your new job with our 8 steps to quitting your job.
Negotiating your new salary
You’ve flown through the interview process and been offered the job, but the salary isn’t what you’d hoped for. The shocking truth is that only 30% of people are happy with their salaries. When reflecting on the time and preparation that has gone into securing your new role, it’s only right to take the chance and negotiate your salary. Salary negotiations are all a part of the hiring process and could also positively impact an employer’s impression of a candidate. Read this blog for tips on securing the salary you deserve.

Should you accept a counteroffer?
People decide to change their jobs every day for different reasons, and since the pandemic employees' needs have changed dramatically. Not meeting these needs is the number one factor employees quit their job. If an employer is looking to match a prospective employer's offer, the counteroffer should address the reasons someone is leaving in the first place. It could include, better working conditions, a pay rise, a promotion, or other perks and benefits. According to a recent study, 67.5% of managers have proposed counteroffers, if you’re trying to decide if you should stay or go, read our blog.

Leaving a job: your P45 explained
A P45 form is a statement of your pay and deductions for the year up to the date you leave your job. In 2019, both paper P45 and P60 documents were abolished. Currently, they can be accessed online via your account on the Revenue website. If you'd like to read more about the purpose of a P45, read our blog.
From advice on Ireland’s current job market all the way down to settling counteroffers, our Candidate blog series can help you on your recruitment journey. The biggest piece of takeaway advice from our job hunting articles is to work closely with a recruiter. At Cpl, we have specialist recruiters working across sectors that know their specialised industries inside out, alongside their client’s needs. If you’ve only begun to take the next steps in your career and need more information, get in touch.
Jobseekers can pick and choose as job vacancies rise,, Oct 2021.
The Next Great Disruption Is Hybrid Work—Are We Ready?, Microsoft, March 2021.
How Long Do Hiring Managers Look at a Resume?,, June 2021.
Quarterly Bulletin No.1 2022, Central Bank of Ireland, January 2022.
Irish economy growing at the fastest rate in EU, The Irish Independent, Sept 202.
Job interview statistics, Job Description Library, Jan 2022.
Percentage of workers satisfied with their salary in the United States from 2003 to 2017, Statistica, Jan 2021.
Exploring the Pros and Cons of Employee Counteroffers, LiveCareer.
Indeed Career Guide, How Long Do Hiring Managers Look at a Resume? Indeed, 2021
CareerBuilder Survey Reveals Five Common Job Seeker Pitfalls That Will Hinder Any Career Search, CareerBuilder.