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Salary Calculator for Ireland | 2025

Cpl Salary Calculator

Compare your salary with industry standards with our updated 2025 salary calculator. Utilising Cpl's vast pool of placement data and our recruitment consultant's expertise, the Cpl salary calculator 2025 is our most accurate benchmarking tool to date. The calculator displays the high, medium and low salaries for specific roles across Ireland. For more in-depth details on benchmarking, reach-out to our expert sector-specific recruitment consultant teams. ​

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Cpl Salary Guide | 2025?

The Cpl Salary Guide provides key insights into median salaries and emerging trends across 20 industries in Ireland. It offers a comprehensive overview of the job market and forecasts trends for the year ahead.

What is the average salary in Ireland?

Our salary guide delivers in-depth salary data for hundreds of roles across 20 sectors. By leveraging Cpl's candidate placement data and the expertise of our recruitment consultants, we calculate the median salary for each position. For more detailed insights, feel free to contact our team.

How do I use the Cpl Salary Calculator?

The salary calculator is an easy-to-use tool for checking salary ranges for various roles. Simply select the sector, filter by employment type, and choose the job title. The salary range, including high, medium, and low figures, will be displayed for the selected role.

How can I negotiate my salary?

For tips and strategies on salary negotiations, check out our blog, ‘Negotiating Your New Salary.

I need help looking for a new role

Explore our Candidate Series blog collection, designed to support job seekers in landing their dream role. From CV writing to interview preparation, our blogs tackle common challenges and offer practical advice to help you succeed.

You can also reach out to our expert sector-specific recruitment consultant teams. ​