Last Friday, our legendary employee, Rita Doyle retired after nearly 15 years working with Cpl. Rita has been at the heart of Cpl family, not just in her day job as a cleaner in three of our offices, but in being one of the best known and most loved people in the business.
Rita left school at 12 to work in a factory to support her parents. Despite never having gained a full education, she has skills and abilities that an education could never teach you, she epitomises the 'school of life' and uses all her abilities to make Cpl a better place every day.
In her time at Cpl she has been 'CEO for a day', has helped with employee's errands, advised on staff's love lives, answered personal finance questions as well as always being able to find something for you at a car boot sale. She also won an Unsung Hero Award at the NRF Awards in 2017 for her outstanding contribution to Cpl. She is known with just one word - 'Rita'.
The corridors of Cpl will be a much quieter place without her.
Here is a small selection of quotes from our colleagues to describe the impact Rita has had on Cpl:
'15 years ago, I was taking a new recruit around Merrion Square introducing them to the various teams and I when I reached Cpl Engineering, I opened the door to loud laughter and there was Rita holding court surrounded by laughing consultants '�'�.. the first thing I said to the new recruit was 'this is Rita she is the most important lady in the business who knows more about us than we know about ourselves.'
Garret Roche, Managing Director, Flexsource
'Well it's the end of an era. Rita is the true heart and soul of CPL. She welcomes and takes an interest in everybody, always helpful and up for a chat. She has the warmest heart with a huge generosity of spirit. Rita - you're one of my all time favourite people I've ever worked with and you'll be greatly missed.'
Susan Deegan, Manager, Cpl Supply Chain
'Rita, You will be missed! You were a joy to have walking around our building! Always put a smile on everyone's face no matter the day they were having! '�.. You're a true Dublin woman! Best of luck with everything and enjoy your retirement now!'
Orla Kelly, Recruitment Consultant, Cpl Insurance
From all the team at Cpl, we wish Rita the best of luck in her well-deserved retirement.