Language Jobs Ireland | Cpl

Business services

Dlouholeté zkušenosti s obsazováním pozic pro centra sdílených služeb

Cpl Multilingual Team se zaměřuje na obsazování pozic od juniorních specialistů až po pozice ve středním a vyšším managmentu vyžadující znalosti dvou a více cizích jazyků. Máme rozsáhlé zkušenosti s pozicemi v oblasti financí, HR, nákupu, logistiky, zákaznického servisu a technické podpory. Každý projekt je jedinečný a způsob obsazování pozice volíme vždy v závislosti na typu pozice. Zastřešujeme projekty v oblasti temporary a permanent staffingu.

Bruno Ribeiro Manager at Cpl Language Jobs

Russian Speaker - User Support via Email and Chat - 29k

Dublin City Centre

French Speaker - User Support via Email and Chat - 29k

Dublin City Centre
€ 29380 +

German Speaker Customer Support - 31.5k

Dublin City Centre
31640 +

Quality Assurance Specialist


Russian Speaker - User Support via Email and Chat - 29k

Dublin City Centre
29380 +

French Speaker - User Support via Email and Chat - 29k

Dublin City Centre
29380 +

French Speaker Customer Support - 29k

Dublin City Centre
29380 +

Senior Associate with Dutch Dublin

Dublin City Centre

Business services

  • ​Fatima is highly professional and very kind. Without her reliable and friendly help, it would have been way more difficult. I am grateful to have had the luck of getting her to prepare me!

    Nelli Bader

    German Trust & Safety Associate
  • ​Best recruiter. No doubt about it! Fatima helped me to find the right position at the right time in the right company. I have been followed from the start by introducing myself, explaining my professional experience and what I would like to do. I got the best preparation for my interviews and Fatima will never let you down if you have any questions.

    Thomas Bodereau

    French Trust & Safety Associate
  • ​Fatima is nothing but amazing. I really enjoyed my interactions with her, she is both professional and friendly at the same time. Highly recommended, she can definitely be an awesome colleague and a good friend!

    Chanelle Xiu

    Chinese Fraud Investigation Specialist